Anne, Bjorn and I left MN about 2pm on Monday afternoon June 27th, headed for MT. Just before hoping behind the wheel I downloaded a few books from to listen to on the drive. One title that had been sitting in my wish list for a few months was "Drive" by Daniel Pink and it seemed more than apt for killing a few hours in the car. The subtitle for the book is "The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" and makes a few interesting arguments. Though I haven't finished listening yet (I nodded off when Anne took over the wheel just east of Bismark) there have been more than a couple examples and citations also mentioned in another book I recently read for my Media & Technology class earlier this month. "Here Comes Everybody" by Clay Shirky also draws heavily upon similar research. Shirky's book was published in 2008 whereas Pink's book came out late last year. In particular, both authors use the same examples of Wikipedia to make comparable points of how social and business relationships are being created. Both authors put forth compelling reasons for how and why social media is changing culture and certainly how relationship are formed and leveraged.
I had this interesting experience, both while reading Shirky's book and listening to Pink's, that could only be described as something akin to multiple personality disorder. My mind would wander between the multiple worlds I live and operate in: restaurant owner, intern pastor, graduate student, parent and spouse. I became easily distracted by the myriad of ways the material applied to the various aspects of my life and after finishing both I have this desire to revisit the material but this time trying to limit the "hat" that I'm wearing while engaging the content. Ah well, perhaps another time...
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